Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Here we find a personal guidebook on how to reap a harvest from the Scripture. Using very specific inductive study methods, this approach will help us to discover the meaning and application of the scripture. Don’t miss this, it is absolutely foundational to being strong in the Lord and growing into maturity.

[h1heading]A Personal Guidebook on How to Reap a Harvest from the Scripture[/h1heading] 

[h1heading]Getting The Field Prepared[/h1heading]

The Preparation Needed for the Word—James 1:19-25.

  • An Attentive Ear—v. 19a.
  • A Controlled Tongue—v. 19b. (re: speaking and anger)
  • A Clean Heart—v. 21a.

The Process to Follow—James 1:21b-25.

  • Be Humble—v. 21b.
  • Be Accepting; hospitable to the Word planted—v. 21c.
  • Be Doers of the Word—v. 22.
  • Be an Intent Looker into the Word—vv. 23-25a.
  • Be a Continual Student of the Word—v. 25b.
[h1heading]Planting The Field[/h1heading]

R- Read and record the passage—James 1:22.

The first thing we should do is read the passage many times, e.g., 1 John every day for 30 days. After you have done this, record the verses or paragraph in the first column of the REAPP worksheet.

The pencil is one of our best tools in the planting phase, because writing the verse out forces us to look at each word and phrase.

Once the verse is written, check to see if you copied it correctly. Did you put in all the words and the punctuation?

Now we are ready to take out our magnifying glass and look closely at what we have written. Here's what we should look for:


E-Emphasize the key words of the passage.

Key words that need further study

When you see one, put a little key around or above it so you will remember to come back there for further study, e.g., definitions, cross-references.

Words that connect

These are the important bridges in any verse or paragraph. Often the whole verse or paragraph swings on the hinge of a connective. They are extremely important, so let's put a around each one, and in the future, let's CAPITALIZE the word.

The following are the connectives we should look for:

  • and
  • therefore
  • nevertheless
  • because
  • since
  • for
  • that
  • so that
  • if
  • even as
  • as
  • like

Repeated words

Repeated words are often clues to us that the author is emphasizing a certain subject or truth. By noting the repeated words, we are alerted to that fact.

Repeated words often tell us that paragraphs are linked together, because the same words are used in both. When you see repeated words in a verse, paragraph, chapter, or section of Scripture, put a around them.

Composition clues to look for

Comparisons/contrasts. The contrast or comparison between thoughts, actions, persons, should be observed. Once the following important connectives are found, draw an arrow to the items compared or contrasted.

  1. Comparisons are introduced by "also, if, even as, as..., so, then, like, just as, likewise, so also, not only/but also, either/or, neither/nor, both/and."
  2. Contrasts are introduced by "but, otherwise, nevertheless, although, however, yet."

Lists, series. This is a series of ideas, commands, characteristics. It may be a progression to the highest point of concern—a climax. (In this case, number each one in order and put a circle around the number.)


  • Lists are introduced by "and, first (or last), furthermore, last of all, moreover, after that, likewise, then."

Conditions. This is often the requirement, the terms, the prerequisite, of a promise or command.

  • Conditions introduced by one word: "if." (Put a small square around the )

Questions. Circle all question marks.

Illustrations. Put a box around .

Warnings. Put a W with a circle around it , beside each instance.

Promises. Put a P with a circle around it , beside each promise.

Commands. Put a C with a circle around it , beside each command.

Advice. Put an A with a circle around it , beside advice.



A- Ask Primary Questions

Where? (Place). Where is the location? Where are the events taking place?

When? (Time). When was it written? When will it happen? When should I obey?

Who or Whom? (Audience). Who are the individuals in the passage? The writer and the audience?

How? (Means). How did he/she do it? How will the action be fulfilled? How are the ideas connected? (Look for methods, steps.)

What? (Nature). What do I see? What is the basic thought? What is not said?

Why? (Purpose). Why was it said? (Look for reasons and purposes.)


[h1heading]Harvesting and Interpreting[/h1heading]

P-Personalize your findings.

Ask the following questions:

Before/After Questions:
  1. What book is it in? Does that affect your findings?
  2. What takes place before the chapter, paragraph, or verse? Does that affect your findings?
  3. What takes place after the chapter, paragraph, or verse? Does that affect your findings?
General Application

How does this apply generally today? (government, economics, business, education, values, families, church, age groups, needs, etc.)

Personal Questions: How does this apply to me?

S in to confess? Do I need to make any restitution?

P romise to claim? Is it a universal promise? Have I met the conditions?

A ttitude to alter? Am I willing to work on a negative attitude and begin building toward a positive one?

C ommand to obey? Am I willing to do it, no matter how I feel?

E xample to follow? Is it a positive example for me to copy, or a negative one to avoid?

P rayer to pray? Is there anything I need to pray back to God?

E rror to avoid? Is there any problem that I should be alert to, or beware of?

T ruth to believe? What new things can I learn about God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, or other biblical teachings?

S omething to praise God for? Is there something here I can be thankful for?

P-Pray through your findings.

After you have seen the answer to the questions from the SPACE PETS acrostic, it is necessary that you apply your applications as soon as possible. One necessary element in the application of Scripture is prayer.

  1. Pray the passage back to God. Record the prayers and their answers in a prayer journal.

Sin to confess? Do that now! 1 John 1:9, e.g., ask God to enable you to be obedient.

Promise to claim? Thank Him for any promise and ask Him to enable you to fulfill any condition.

Attitude to alter? Is there any attitude you need to ask God to help you with? Ask Him! Be specific.

Command to obey? Pray specifically for strength to obey any command found in the passage.

Example to follow? Ask Him to help you discover the secret in the person's life. What did God do to help them be who they are/were?

Prayer to pray? Is there a prayer in the passage that you might pray verbatim, or might paraphrase?

Error to avoid? Is there an error in judgment or practice that you want to ask God to help you to avoid? Pray for wisdom?

Truth to believe? Pray that God implants this truth in your heart and mind and that you will not only believe it, but defend and obey it. Fill your prayer with truths from this passage that have affected your life, and praise God for them, e.g., God will never leave us nor forsake us.

Something to praise God for? Conclude your Bible study with a time of praise, as you discover God's truth. Thank God also for Himself and the Word He has given to you.

  1. Pray for others who need to hear and obey this passage you are focusing on.
  2. Pray that God will be glorified.
  3. Pray for God's will to be done and that Satan will have no impact on the application of these verses.

If we do what the Scriptures say, we are assured from James 1 of several promises.

Application of scripture will

  • bring us blessing in what we do—v. 25.
  • help bring about the righteous life God desires—v. 20.
  • save us—v. 21b.
  • keep us from deception—v. 22.
  • enable us to remember the Scripture applied—vv. 23-25.