Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Part Two: The Choices of Mankind—Genesis 4:1-26

Before we get to our study, let me ask you a question:


What if God had voice mail?

We have all learned to live with voice mail as a necessary part of modern life. But what if God decided to install it?

Imagine praying and hearing,"Thank you for calling My Father's House. Please select one of the following options:

Part One: Introduction—Genesis 4

In this study we look at the world's first two children, their mom, and God. The children are an interesting and significant pair, representing the mold from which we all have come. They are the originals, and in many ways still affect and reflect all of mankind, aptly presenting the twofold division of humanity. Their names are Cain and Abel, and the choices they represent are presented to every person, even today